Monday 21 November 2011

Target audience

Audiences are separated into groups using quantitive data; on gender, age and social class. Gender is separated into two categories; male and female. This can then be separated into ages: 15 and under, 16-24, 25-35, 36-55 and 56 and over. I have decided to aim my magazine at both male and female but mainly females, this will age from 16-24. This is because from my research I found that it is mainly young females that like this sort of music (R&B). My target audience is most likely to be in the c-d grade (unemployed/semi-skilled workers). This should be the correct target audience as most 16-24 year olds are in education, or recently gone in to work. Therefore, making a low price for the magazine should be correct. They would like to see a main image that covers the whole page which is appealing to them perhaps showing attitude. Also, a good main headline. Tease devices such as winning tickets to an R&B concert which will appeal to them. They will also want good main headlines which will interest them and persuade them to buy the magazine. Demographics are important so I can figure out more about my target audience. Including relatively new bands in my magazine should make young readers interested in the magazine and buy it. Therefore, my front cover should be very appealing and eye catching meeting the target audience's needs. 

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