Sunday 6 November 2011

Evaluation of my magazine

The masthead on my college magazine is written in a bold font in Wyke college's colour scheme this makes students from the college aware that it is targeted towards them. The magazine has several headlines to give the buyer a brief taste of what the magazine is like and what is in it. I have mainly used the colour's purple and white as the colour scheme as this is basic and not too much (house style). The layout of the magazine has been made so if it was on a shelf the masthead would be shown so buyers can go straight to it and also so the headlines are shown. The main picture has been put in the middle so it is the main focus and so it shows a student learning giving Wyke a good reputation. Strap lines are used under headings to sum up a brief description of the story, using strap lines supports the headings and gives the reader more information. Teasing content has been used on the bottom of the magazine to promote a competition of winning a free ipad 2 this persuades the reader to buy the magazine.
This magazine would be distributed within the college as it is niche. Selling the magazine in a shop would be unnecessary as the magazine is aimed at Wyke students. However, posters around the college may be used to promote the magazine and make people more aware of it. Emails could be sent to students reminding them that the magazine is on sale. Also using the television and college Intranet would be appropriate as it is all internal, these all spread awareness.
This college magazine gives the students information on upcoming events and news within the college this gives them more knowledge on what is going on in their college. The college magazine is aimed to show that Wyke is a serious, hard working college and all the students work to the best of their ability. The magazine shows that Wyke has a good reputation and is a very good college to be at.
The college magazine would be aimed at Wyke college students because it has all the information about Wyke in and events. People from other colleges wouldn't buy this magazine as it isn't in interest to them. I attracted my audience by calling the masthead 'Wyke' making it obvious who the magazine is aimed at (Wyke college students). It is also shown that it is aimed at the students of Wyke as it shows a student on the front working hard and headlines on how to pass exams. The college magazine is a niche market and would only be aimed at the students from Wyke because they have different tastes and concerns to other colleges. However, is aimed to the whole college as they are all at Wyke for the same reason in which to pass.
The college magazine represents different social groups as there is a jobs section in which unemployed students can try and find work. The representation of the magazine is shown to be realistic and true, unlike some other magazines. The magazine has a certain reason to inform students instead of entertaining. The magazine is made to appeal to all students as it is very colourful and modern. If the magazine had old, boring fonts people are less likely to buy it. Also, advertising parties for Wyke students stereotypes students as it shows they all like to party and are outgoing. The student in the main image connotes the college to be hard working and successful.

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