Thursday 10 November 2011

Music magazine front covers

- Masthead (Short, dominant font)
- The main image (full page) must be an MCU (face and shoulders only) and the subjects face must be able to be clearly seen, and make eye contact with the audience.
-Bright colour scheme with clear house-style of two or three main colours.
- Anchorage
- Price & barcode
- Teasing contents along the bottom
- Competitions and free gifts
- Main article / feature advertised must relate to the the main image.
I could research different genres of music magazines to help me produce my music magazine. This will help me come up with different ideas which I can include in my magazine and make it different to others. Looking at successful magazines will help me see what works and what I should do, this will help create my music magazine to a high standard. Then, I could look at similar genre's to mind to see how I can input these ideas, to make my magazine successful and appealing.
I will make sure my music magazine is appealing and suitable to my target audience in order for them to buy it. I will show who the magazine is aimed at on each page, by making it appealing to them. I will use suitable pictures and text to meet their needs.
- The age of my target audience will be 16-24
- The gender will be male and female
- Who the magazine will be sold to....
- The target audience will be more interested in solo artists.

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