Saturday 15 October 2011

Price and Publisher

The price is one of the key concepts of creating a magazine, and should be thoroughly thought about. This is because if the magazine is too expensive people are less likely to buy it. If another magazine is cheaper they are more likely to buy that unless the magazine has something the other one doesn't have. For my college magazine I will price it at £1 as student's even have part time work or unemployed which means they won't be able to afford anything pricey. If the magazine is too expensive for them then no one else will buy it, therefore it must be affordable for them to purchase it. Research i carried out shows that it is harder to find a job with a decent pay which means more people will be coming to colleges to have better qualifications for future life.
My magazine will be published every 3 weeks, as there isn't enough information for it to be published every 1-2 weeks. Publishing it every 3 weeks means a lot of notifications can be included and information

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