Saturday 15 October 2011


Definitions of things used in a magazine
Masthead: This is the magazines title. The magazines title may show the target audience, this tends to be displayed in the top left hand corner.

Subtitle: This is a smaller headline that may summarise a feature.

Kicker: A smaller font headline usually, below the main headline. This is sometimes underlined to stand out below main storyline. This can be a piece of text below a headline e.g quotes.

Left third: This is everything on the left hand side of the magazine which is shown in shop shelves.

Cover lines: Coverlines are used to inform the consumer on what is in the magazine. This allows the audience to get a vague idea on what the magazine is about. These are the little stories which are added to the magazine.

Sell lines: The sell lines are what is in the magazine and what helps the magazine sell by the context. These are the big stories that make people buy the magazine.

Dateline:  A line at the head of a magazine showing the date. It is the month and year of publication, often next to the price and barcode.

Splash: Splash is the whole magazine and what has been put into it. This is a story or photograph in a prominent place in a magazine.

Skyline: The line on the top of the magazine usually advertising.

Anchorage: An anchorage gives the image a meaning. Text will be given to an image to explain it to make the reader more aware of why the image is there.

Vocabulary: A range of artistic or stylistic forms and techniques used by the writer of the magazine.

Images: These are used to advertise the magazine and show what the magazine is about. Images are used to support the text and expand on what the meaning of the text is.

Colour scheme: The theme in which is used within the magazine. This is a planned combination of colours which is planned for a purpose to suit the audience.

Main image: Main images often relate to the main headline and support the main cover line.

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