Saturday 15 October 2011

Front Page Conventions

The masthead is written in bold, red writing which makes the magazine name stand out. The main image supports the masthead which shows the target audience. The font used throughout the magazine is bold and stands out which will attract the readers. The headlines are supported by a kicker which gives the headline more detail. The colour scheme of this magazine cover is planned and the masthead is red which matches the main image. The magazine would have been made by the college as it is made to promote the college.

The masthead is written in bright, yellow text which makes the magazine look very effective and will look more advertising than other magazines in shops. The props in the main image support the masthead as it shows a college student holding books. It also shows a college student in smart but casual clothing. This shows the target audience to be students. The font used throughout the magazine is in capital letters in yellow and white text. The colour scheme is black, white and yellow which looks very effective and attractive. The headlines are all in block capital letters and in a different colours. The target audience is 16-18 year olds(College students) this is shown by the masthead and the main image.

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