Wednesday 19 October 2011


 This photograph could be used for the front cover. It would give a good impression on Wyke because it shows a student learning.

This photograph shows a studying area, promoting the college showing it has good resources (the books). This although shows a warm and calm environment. 
 This picture shows the buses. Showing that it is easy to access the college and arrive there and back.
This photograph shows the front entrance of Wyke college. This could be used as the front cover as it shows what the college looks like. The bikes also show a method of transport and that bikes are safely locked up outside.
 This photograph could be used for the front cover as it shows a student happily learning. The background could be cut out on photoshop and the picture could be placed on to the front cover with the front entrance of Wyke as the background image.
 This image shows another student happily learning with a building of Wyke in the background.
 This image shows a student learning in a calm environment with resources around her.
This image promotes the art work done at the college by a student. This shows high quality work.

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