Thursday 20 October 2011


Draft 1:
This is a basic setting of how i will set my college magazine out. However the college magazine will be portrait instead of landscape.

Draft 2:
This draft shows how my college magazine will be set out. It shows the masthead with headings. It also shows the issue number and the price that the magazine will be published at. However, the text isn't shown very clear and therefore, a different background image or font and colour would have to be used.

Draft three:
This draft features everything I will include on my front page college magazine. The layout is very basic making the main focus the masthead and main image. The headings also stand out and will appeal to the target audience.

Wednesday 19 October 2011


 This photograph could be used for the front cover. It would give a good impression on Wyke because it shows a student learning.

This photograph shows a studying area, promoting the college showing it has good resources (the books). This although shows a warm and calm environment. 
 This picture shows the buses. Showing that it is easy to access the college and arrive there and back.
This photograph shows the front entrance of Wyke college. This could be used as the front cover as it shows what the college looks like. The bikes also show a method of transport and that bikes are safely locked up outside.
 This photograph could be used for the front cover as it shows a student happily learning. The background could be cut out on photoshop and the picture could be placed on to the front cover with the front entrance of Wyke as the background image.
 This image shows another student happily learning with a building of Wyke in the background.
 This image shows a student learning in a calm environment with resources around her.
This image promotes the art work done at the college by a student. This shows high quality work.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Digital Mock-up

Initial ideas

These fonts are going to be considered for my magazine cover as the masthead. The reason for this is because they are the theme of my college (Wyke) is purple. Using this colour will help represent the college. This is important for the magazine as it must stand. These fonts seemed most appropriate as they are clear and bold this should stand out more than any other magazine. Having a basic and clear font makes the magazine look more formal, this makes the magazine look better hopefully persuading people to buy it.

Price and Publisher

The price is one of the key concepts of creating a magazine, and should be thoroughly thought about. This is because if the magazine is too expensive people are less likely to buy it. If another magazine is cheaper they are more likely to buy that unless the magazine has something the other one doesn't have. For my college magazine I will price it at £1 as student's even have part time work or unemployed which means they won't be able to afford anything pricey. If the magazine is too expensive for them then no one else will buy it, therefore it must be affordable for them to purchase it. Research i carried out shows that it is harder to find a job with a decent pay which means more people will be coming to colleges to have better qualifications for future life.
My magazine will be published every 3 weeks, as there isn't enough information for it to be published every 1-2 weeks. Publishing it every 3 weeks means a lot of notifications can be included and information

Target audience

I have researched target audience, and I found that aiming my wyke college magazine at both male and females will be most appropriate, as it is a wider audience. This will range from ages 16-19 as this is the age area students go to college. The target audience will be aimed at college students which attend the college. This will be shown by including a student on the front page of the magazine and a masthead called 'Wyke'. Naming the magazine 'Wyke' will be visible to the students so they know that it is aimed at them. For example, school pupils would not buy this as they don't attend the college so wouldn't be interested in it. 

Contents Pages

This contents page shows the title at the top, informing readers what this is. The contents page includes a features section; including what is in the magazine and the page reference. It contains images of the college which work and pupils on which shows more about the college. The colour scheme is continuous and includes 3 colours; green, black and white. The font is very clear, which stands out to the reader with an appropriate layout which isn't confusing understand.

This magazine shows a clear page title 'inside this issue' which informs the reader. The font is in a very creative text which looks good. The font is also large and clear. An advertisement is used 'Discounts your ID gets you' showing if you read the magazine you can save money. This page has different features in sections dividing them off from each other; making it easier for the reader to understand. The them is very appropriate as it has a basic background and consists of black and white with colourful images. However, page numbers are not given which this needs to be done. 

Front Page Conventions

The masthead is written in bold, red writing which makes the magazine name stand out. The main image supports the masthead which shows the target audience. The font used throughout the magazine is bold and stands out which will attract the readers. The headlines are supported by a kicker which gives the headline more detail. The colour scheme of this magazine cover is planned and the masthead is red which matches the main image. The magazine would have been made by the college as it is made to promote the college.

The masthead is written in bright, yellow text which makes the magazine look very effective and will look more advertising than other magazines in shops. The props in the main image support the masthead as it shows a college student holding books. It also shows a college student in smart but casual clothing. This shows the target audience to be students. The font used throughout the magazine is in capital letters in yellow and white text. The colour scheme is black, white and yellow which looks very effective and attractive. The headlines are all in block capital letters and in a different colours. The target audience is 16-18 year olds(College students) this is shown by the masthead and the main image.


Definitions of things used in a magazine
Masthead: This is the magazines title. The magazines title may show the target audience, this tends to be displayed in the top left hand corner.

Subtitle: This is a smaller headline that may summarise a feature.

Kicker: A smaller font headline usually, below the main headline. This is sometimes underlined to stand out below main storyline. This can be a piece of text below a headline e.g quotes.

Left third: This is everything on the left hand side of the magazine which is shown in shop shelves.

Cover lines: Coverlines are used to inform the consumer on what is in the magazine. This allows the audience to get a vague idea on what the magazine is about. These are the little stories which are added to the magazine.

Sell lines: The sell lines are what is in the magazine and what helps the magazine sell by the context. These are the big stories that make people buy the magazine.

Dateline:  A line at the head of a magazine showing the date. It is the month and year of publication, often next to the price and barcode.

Splash: Splash is the whole magazine and what has been put into it. This is a story or photograph in a prominent place in a magazine.

Skyline: The line on the top of the magazine usually advertising.

Anchorage: An anchorage gives the image a meaning. Text will be given to an image to explain it to make the reader more aware of why the image is there.

Vocabulary: A range of artistic or stylistic forms and techniques used by the writer of the magazine.

Images: These are used to advertise the magazine and show what the magazine is about. Images are used to support the text and expand on what the meaning of the text is.

Colour scheme: The theme in which is used within the magazine. This is a planned combination of colours which is planned for a purpose to suit the audience.

Main image: Main images often relate to the main headline and support the main cover line.


Preliminary exercise: Using DTP and an imagine manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.

Main task: the front page, contents and double pagee spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you- minimum of four images.

Presentation of your work: The presentation of the research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one, or combination of two or more, of the following:
  • a presentation using slideshow software such as PowerPoint;
  • a blog
  • a podcast;