Friday 16 December 2011

Music magazine front cover draft:

The reason for the masthead choice is because the word 'Pulse' sounds very energetic and modern. It is also only short which is catchy and memorable. The main picture shown looks affective and clear to who the person is as the model is wearing symbollic equipment to R&B making the target market clear.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Picture's taken for my music magazine

All of these picture's were taken on a cannon 1000D camera.

Although this picture looks very effective, the picture may not look right in the magazine as the top half of the head is cropped off.
This picture wasn't chosen for my magazine as the model isn't looking towards the camera, and this means that the audience cannot engage with the audience.
This image looks very effective as the model is shown to be looking into the distance, however, the camera angle makes the model to look far away in the sense that they are pushing away from the wall. It also wasn't chosen as other picture's looked a lot more effective.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Audience, price and publish

As my intended target audience are the age of 16-24 I will need a price which is suitable for this age group. Most teenagers are in education rather than having a highly paid job, therefore do not earn a lot of money so my magazine price needs to be affordable in order for them to buy it. I will publish my magazine every monthly because not only will my magazine provide different and exciting contents every month, my magazine can advertise for the following months and offer coupons which will persuade readers to buy the continuing magazine which will result in more buyers, long term.

However, a competitive price will be needed to compete in the market. Therefore, I will price my magazine at £2.90 as this is a reasonable price for the target market. This should be affordable for my target market as it is published monthly. The date of publish, target audience and competitors have been taken into account when setting a price for my magazine.

Friday 2 December 2011

Initial ideas and drafts

All of these magazines are a rough draft of what my music magazine layout will be like. This is also the information which will be included. These images will help me plan how my images will be layed out to be like. These images help me decide how I will take my photographs and what clothing the model should wear. They also give me an idea on how to set them out (plain background). The text of the artist's name (Jennifer Hudson) in that font and colour scheme looks very effective and I believe I should use this on my music magazine. Depending on my image, my masthead title may differ to red as this will stand out and make the magazine noticable. The masthead will cover up the full top 1/4 of the page as this is the main focus of the magazine.

Digital mock up:
This gives me an indication on how the layout of my magazine will look. This helps me plan my magazine as it shows whether my layout will work or if it will be cramped.